Cynthia Sandler

I am so excited to have completed the Flat Classroom Teacher Certification Program and am ready to hit the planet with global collaborative 21st Century projects!
Meanwhile, I am a Middle School/High School Library Media Specialist in North Salem, NY and enjoy working with students and fellow teachers across the disciplines. I also advise our Broadcast Video Club and get a real kick out of seeing what our team dreams up. Previously, I taught High School English and loved that, too. It's like that car commercial where a man asks his neighbor at a barbecue, "So, how do you like your car?" The neighbor's brain fires off memories of amazing, breathtaking, daring, hilarious and outrageous adventures, but, ultimately, there are too many to relate in a quick answer, so he just says, "It's great." So you understand when I say that the whole journey has been and continues to be really great. This is a video trailer for the project I've been working on in this session: Perspective Detectives Trailer as well as the link to the project design page: Perspective Detectives Project Outline I'm in the process of creating a project wiki. However, I work with teachers in all subject areas, so please feel free to contact me with any and all middle school and/or high school collaborative ideas! email: [email protected]
Meanwhile, I am a Middle School/High School Library Media Specialist in North Salem, NY and enjoy working with students and fellow teachers across the disciplines. I also advise our Broadcast Video Club and get a real kick out of seeing what our team dreams up. Previously, I taught High School English and loved that, too. It's like that car commercial where a man asks his neighbor at a barbecue, "So, how do you like your car?" The neighbor's brain fires off memories of amazing, breathtaking, daring, hilarious and outrageous adventures, but, ultimately, there are too many to relate in a quick answer, so he just says, "It's great." So you understand when I say that the whole journey has been and continues to be really great. This is a video trailer for the project I've been working on in this session: Perspective Detectives Trailer as well as the link to the project design page: Perspective Detectives Project Outline I'm in the process of creating a project wiki. However, I work with teachers in all subject areas, so please feel free to contact me with any and all middle school and/or high school collaborative ideas! email: [email protected]
Cindy Schultz

Cindy Schultz is the Business & Technology Department Chair at Sentinel High School in Missoula, Montana. She teaches Graphic Design, Web Design and Digital Film and teaches all of her classes in a blended/hybrid method using Moodle. She is also the lead Web Design instructor for the Montana Digital Academy. In addition, she teachers professional development courses. She has a master's degree in Technology in Education and her administrative license. She serves on many district and building technology committees and on the board of directors for the Montana Educators' Credit Union.
Her Flat Classroom project was called When Missoula was Young. Her project crossed schools and curriculum's in the Missoula County Public Schoolsdistrict. This project included third grade students, high school history and digital film students. Third graders and high school students were given the challenge to discover the identities of ordinary and extraordinary individuals who where children in 1883 when Missoula officially became a town. Thinking and acting like historical researchers, students used primary resources to reconstruct life in their community in 1883 through the eyes of children living at that time. While this project is just the first step in the Model of Change for the 21st Century by bringing down the walls of classrooms at Missoula County Public Schools, it is her goal to expand this experience to include schools from around the world. If you are interested in collaborating with her on a project, she can be reached a [email protected]. Follow her blog at: Model of Change.
Her Flat Classroom project was called When Missoula was Young. Her project crossed schools and curriculum's in the Missoula County Public Schoolsdistrict. This project included third grade students, high school history and digital film students. Third graders and high school students were given the challenge to discover the identities of ordinary and extraordinary individuals who where children in 1883 when Missoula officially became a town. Thinking and acting like historical researchers, students used primary resources to reconstruct life in their community in 1883 through the eyes of children living at that time. While this project is just the first step in the Model of Change for the 21st Century by bringing down the walls of classrooms at Missoula County Public Schools, it is her goal to expand this experience to include schools from around the world. If you are interested in collaborating with her on a project, she can be reached a [email protected]. Follow her blog at: Model of Change.
Kathy Scarpato

I graduated from Kutztown University with a degree in Elementary Education with a concentration in Early Childhood in1997. I completed a certification program in Special Education at Immaculata College and recently completed graduate work at Wilkes University for my Master of Science in Classroom Technology.(2012) For the past ten years, I have worked at the PA Virtual Charter School in different roles but currently I assist the staff at PA Virtual with their professional development needs and also work with the learning coaches to give guidance on time mangement, organization, and academic content. Her Flat Classroom Project: Building Relationships reaches students that are in grades K-2.
This project was created to assist students in their younger years in school to build their awareness of their place in their communities and eventually a global community. I live in Delaware County, PA with my three children and husband. I am an avid runner and looking forward to completing my first Tough Mudder in April 2012. Please contact me at any time: [email protected] or follow my blog:
Kathy Scarpato I am very excited to make global connections to open the box of education!!
This project was created to assist students in their younger years in school to build their awareness of their place in their communities and eventually a global community. I live in Delaware County, PA with my three children and husband. I am an avid runner and looking forward to completing my first Tough Mudder in April 2012. Please contact me at any time: [email protected] or follow my blog:
Kathy Scarpato I am very excited to make global connections to open the box of education!!
Sandy Wisneski

I have been a teacher in the middle school for 35 years. It all began while attending Lawrence University for one year and transferring to UWO. My teaching career started with a blocked class setting of reading/language arts/social studies. Eventually, while teaching, I went back to school and got my masters degree from UWO to become a reading specialist. Requirements for teaching reading changed and at this point, I started to teach all of the reading classes in the 6th grade.Last year I returned to teaching a blocked class of reading/language arts/social studies. I am presently the district webmaster and a tech mentor. Next year, we will be opening a charter school, called Catalyst. I am excited to be a part of opening Catalyst because one of the underlying themes will be global citizenship. This has been an exciting adventure that has opened many doors in the global network. It is only the beginning but I have learned to start slowly and build from there. I can be reaches atSandy Wisneski as well as on twitter with #stampcat2.Link to blog
Phil Macoun

I wear many hats and I am quite proud of my new Flat Classroom Certified Teacher hat. I currently work as a math 7 and MYP technology teacher at Aspengrove School on Vancouver Island. I also provide technology integration support to the teachers in our K-12 school and enjoy the chance to share my excitement about technology and particularly web 2.0 and open source technologies. I am really having fun this year as my school seems to have reached a tipping point where the teachers are now coming to me with ideas, rather than the other way around.
I had originally planned on fulfilling the requirements for FCCT by submitting my experiences with the Digiteen Project and a Moodle Course I designed on Global Collaboration. However as the course progressed I wanted to try and apply what I had learned to a new project and so Kids4Kiva was born. I plan on starting small this year and piloting the project with my Math 7 class and reflecting on my Blog. If all goes well I might try and scale it up to a global collaborative project in September 2012.
I am @pmacoun on Twitter.
I had originally planned on fulfilling the requirements for FCCT by submitting my experiences with the Digiteen Project and a Moodle Course I designed on Global Collaboration. However as the course progressed I wanted to try and apply what I had learned to a new project and so Kids4Kiva was born. I plan on starting small this year and piloting the project with my Math 7 class and reflecting on my Blog. If all goes well I might try and scale it up to a global collaborative project in September 2012.
I am @pmacoun on Twitter.
Kevin Duncan

After teaching in HS Social Studies in Houston, Texas and Escazu, Costa Rica, I am currently teaching US History, Geography, and Sociology and serving as the head MUN Advisor at the Korea International School located just outside of Seoul. In 2010, I became an Apple Distinguished Educator and have been teaching at a 1:1 environment since 2008. Ever since I started teaching years ago (the 2011-12 school year makes me a "decade-u-cator!"), I have tried to get students connected with people from outside of the walls of their school to interact with other adults and students from different places. It is an honor to have completed the Flat Classroom Certified Teacher program which seeks to help teachers like me make it more possible and beneficial for our students to make important connections throughout the world.
My Flat Classroom project is a collaboration between HS sociology classes from my school (Korea International School) in Seongnam, Korea and University High School in Normal, IL USA. In groups of 2-3, students work together to create their own original research questions and then conduct original sociological research based on those questions. To see examples of their questions and research, check out the Korea-USA Spring 2012 Sociology Collaboration Project Page!
Teaching Philosophy
My Flat Classroom project is a collaboration between HS sociology classes from my school (Korea International School) in Seongnam, Korea and University High School in Normal, IL USA. In groups of 2-3, students work together to create their own original research questions and then conduct original sociological research based on those questions. To see examples of their questions and research, check out the Korea-USA Spring 2012 Sociology Collaboration Project Page!
Teaching Philosophy
Michelle McGarvey

I am recommending the Flat Classroom Teacher Certification program to all the innovative educators I know. It was truly an inspiring opportunity I hope will continue. I'm currently a fifth and sixth grade guidance counselor in a virtual school in Pennsylvania who loves to bring anything innovative and exciting to the students. My Flat project is Picture This and I would love to find an international class to collaborate with 55 of my students to work with next year.
Please feel free to contact me anytime Here.